
Safeguarding- Anti-Bullying at St.Helen's 

Our greatest priority as a school is to always ensure the safety, well-being and happiness of all our children. 

Throughout the year we are contactable at all times via the school email: South Gloucestershire Council’s Safeguarding Access and Response Team (ART) is also available to report concerns about a child: 01454 866000 Monday to Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm (4.30pm on Friday) and 01454 615165 out of hours and at weekends.

 St Helen’s Primary School recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding children and protecting them from harm.

Designated Senior Person for Child Protection: Mr K Chappell

Designated Deputy Person for Child Protection: Mr R Adams 

Designated Governor for Child Protection: Mrs Clarke 

One way we try to ensure that all our children aspire to our vision of:

'Excellence, Enjoyment and achievement together in a nurturing Christian  Community’ ‘They will soar on wings like Eagles – Isaiah 40:31’

is to ensure that we try to make school a safe, secure and enjoyable environment. 

We are very proud of the relationships that our children have with staff and their peers and behaviour to each other is generally good. This is something that has been noted in Head's Peer review days and our own Parent/ Carer survey. 

Anti-Bullying is very important to us, ensuring that all children feel that they are safe in school. 

Please see below a link to our school anti-bullying policy.

Anti Bullying Policy SHA

Note: We send a lot of communication out to all our parent/ carers about anti-bullying strategies and the policy: The following information has been conveyed in recent newsletters and on class dojo.


 Term 2 Week 3

 Term 3 Week 2 

Click on the link to see our whole school assembly on anti-bullying. 

"Everyday, Every week, should be anti-bullying at St.Helen's."

Respect Week 3 Anti Bullying assembly

Please see below what our parent/ carer's think about safety and bullying in school:

The majority of parent / carers said they have not needed to contact us about any bullying incidents- which we are very pleased about. 14 respondents have said that they have contacted us around issues with the majority saying they feel things have been resolved -  although we have in the last 18 months dealt with three official concerns around bullying so feel that there is a lot of work to do in terms of ensuring we, as parents, children and school ae consistent in our references to bullying. 

Further results from the parent's survey show that the vast majority of our children are happy in school.