Art and Design / Design and Technology

Teaching and Learning of Art and Design / Design and Technology at St Helen’s. 


At St. Helen's we aim to provide opportunities for children to develop their knowledge and skills of Art and DT while also cultivating their own imagination and creativity. This encourages students to have a voice and explore various methods of self-expression. Children are taught specific skills that have clear progression across key stages and enables them to explore and develop ideas, evaluate their work and build on both Art and DT skills.

In Art, we strive to offer high quality teaching that engages, inspires and challenges all students and allows them to develop their own styles and inspiration while also developing artistic techniques. Design Technology encourages children to become independent and creative problem solvers and thinkers. It allows children to innovate, plan and evaluate using designs from past and present as an influence.


Art: There are many forms of art that the children have opportunities to explores, such as drawing, painting, collage, printing, 3D form, textiles and digital media. We endeavour for art to be linked with topic work and our connected curriculum. We have a planned overview demonstrating how the children should progress each year and how skills are built upon and developed across key stages.

DT: We aim to enable children to develop skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials including food. DT is taught in 3 phases of designing, making and evaluating their own products.  As children progress through the school they are presented with opportunities to develop these skills. We intend for our children to solve real and relevant problems through a range of contexts and link to other skills such as mathematics, science and computing.


Art / Design and Technology brings many opportunities for our children to learn about themselves and the world around them. It allows children to develop an understanding of how art and design both reflect and shape our history and contribute to the culture and creativity of our nation. Children develop expertise in design, planning, making, investigating and evaluating and are given opportunities to express themselves through their art and design work. Throughout the school, children are given the opportunity to consolidate their skills by creating their final product independently, which demonstrates the clear progression of skills and quality art and design work being created throughout the school. Subject and school leaders monitor the impact of the curriculum provision through completing regular monitoring, discussion and evaluation with teachers and pupil voice.

Art and Design Curriculum at St Helen's Scheme of Work

Design and Technology Curriculum at St Helen's Scheme of Work