Term Dates / Inset Days

Click here to view the the term dates for the next two academic years.

Inset Dates for the academic year 2024-25 are as follows: 






Key Dates for 2023-24

Monday 30th October

Parents Evening #1 3:40 pm to 6:40 pm

Thursday 2nd November

Parents Evening #2 3:40 pm to 6:40 pm

Wednesday 6th December

FOSH Christmas Wreath Making Night.

Tuesday 12th December  

KS1 Nativity 9:30 am -10:30 am

Wednesday 13th December

Christmas Dinner

Thursday 14th December

KS1 Nativity 2 pm – 3pm

Thursday 14th December

Year 3 and 4 Christingle Service in Church. Evening Time to be confirmed:  

Inset Days:


Monday 27th November 2023


Friday 15th March 2024


Monday 22nd July 2024


Tuesday 23rd July 2024