

Welcome to the St Helen’s Primary School Governors page 2024-25

The Governing Body of the Federation of St Helens and St Marys is made up of a range of people from many different backgrounds, including representatives from the Local Authority, St Helen’s & St Mary’s Churches (known as Foundation Governors), the Local Community, Parents and Staff. All Governors are volunteers and we offer our time, skills and experience to help run the School. Although as Governors we receive some training from the Local Authority, we are lay people, not experts and our role is to act as a critical or questioning friend.

Governor Profiles 2024 - 25

There are no associate governors.

Please see below for the copy of register of interests. 

Copy of Register of Interests 2024-25

The setup of the Governing Body

The full governing body meets face to face at least once a term alternating between schools. The Governing Body has a general responsibility for the strategic direction and overall conduct of the schools with a view to promoting high standards of educational progress and achievement while promoting and maintaining its Christian Ethos.

There are 2 committees which sit underneath the governing body as follows:

  1. Curriculum and Standards - To advise and as authorised, take decisions on matters relating to the direction, planning, monitoring and assessment of curriculum provision and its impact on pupil progress and attainment and safeguarding.

  2. Finance and Staffing - the purpose of this committee to lead on all matters relating to Staffing (excluding pay as this will be dealt with by the Pay Committee); Revenue and capital budgets and financial performance against these; and the environments within the schools, including issues of Health and Safety.

Governors also like to visit the school’s and be involved in school life. We particularly enjoy attending events like concerts, sporting events, festivals and Church Services where we can celebrate the achievements of the children as well as sharing in significant moments in the life of the school. Above all, we hope to support the staff of the school in creating a safe, happy and pleasant environment in which to learn and play together.

Full Governing Body Minutes 

The Minutes of previous meetings can be accessed by clicking the links below:

FGB Meeting minutes to be updated shortly

 Becoming a Governor

  • Foundation Governors are nominated by St Helen’s and St Mary’s Churches in consultation with the Diocese of Bristol.
  • Parent Governors are elected by parents for a fixed term of 4 years. Parents are advised in writing when a vacancy for a Parent Governor arises. This could be because a Governor completes their term of office or because they stand down. Full details of the eligibility criteria and the process for nominations and any election are provided at the time.
  • Local Authority Governors (L.A. Governors) are nominated by Local Councillors.
  • Staff Governors are members of the School staff who are elected by the staffing body (both teaching and non-teaching).
  • Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests or to bring specific skills to the Governing Body.
  • Associate members are appointed by the governing body to help or advise on a specific matter. Associate members don’t generally have voting rights, but can attend relevant committee meetings and full governing body meetings. Both Heads of School will typically attend the full governing body meetings to support updates on operational matter and the general debate.

If you would like to contact us please email our chair Charlie De Nobriga ( or vice chair David Gordon (